simon law group llc
T: 847.780.7414 | F: 847.558.2221
Illinois | Massachusetts
Upcoming Presentations

Confusion in Use: Trademarks and Public Safety
Intellectual Property Scholars Conference
DePaul College of Law

The Structure of Legal Rights
H.L.A. Hart Lecture (2019)
University of Surrey, Faculty of Law

Fairness in IP
Seminar on IP (2019)
Haken School of Economics, Faculty of Law

The Authorship of Technology: Authorship and Invention in a World of AI (2019)
Koç University Law School, Istanbul, Turkey
Past Presentations

Moral Rights in Copyright and the Self:
A Philosophical Investigation
2019 George Mason Law School Colloquium on Philosophical Approaches to IP (invited)
Problems in Theory: Intellectual Property
The Fourth Annual IP Mosaic Conference IP Unbundled: Theory, Policy, and Practice, University of New Hampshire School of Law (2018)

Rx Marks
DePaul College of Law (invited)

Early Moral Rights Theorists in Copyright Law
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law (2012)

Aspects of Intellectual Property Law and Licensing in the U.S. and Europe
European School of Economics (invited), Florence, Italy (2012)

The Confusion Trap: Rethinking a Defense for Parody in Trademark Law
Oxford Intellectual Property Discussion Group (invited) (2011)

An Empirical Analysis of Fair Use Decisions Under the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy
Empirical Analysis of Law Seminar, Harvard Law School (2011)

Culture, Creativity, & Copyright
8th Annual Works in Progress IP Conference, Boston University School of Law (2011)

Reasonable Perception and Parody in Copyright Law
IP Scholars Roundtable, Drake University Law School (2010)

Teaching Without Infringement: A New Model for Educational Fair Use
7th Annual Works in Progress IP Conference, Seton Hall Law School (2009)

In Search of (Maintaining) the Truth: The Use of Copyright Law by Religious Organizations
Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, Cardozo Law School (2009)